Seven (7) clerical skills every job seeker must have.


by S. Jeffery
There are seven (7) essential skills that everyone, especially job seekers interested in clerical work need to have. They are indeed important for any entry-level position in most offices, regardless of the field. If you are looking for a job as a data entry clerk, receptionist, administrative assistant, or something similar, make sure you have these basic skills under you belt:

1. Typing:
Jobs that call for typing skills usually expect you to type around 60 words per minute with very few errors. If you use the *"hunt and peck" method of typing, this probably sounds impossible. But there are lots of free typing tutorials available on the web that teach how to type using all the fingers, and now is a great time to learn. With a little practice, you’ll be surprised by how fast you can type. If you already know how to type, keep your skills up by instant messaging or typing emails to friends, or by playing free typing games online for a few minutes each day.
2. Data Entry:
Data entry is similar to typing but includes the numeric key pad as well. For data entry clerks, accuracy is very important. Data entry tutorials are also available for free online.
3. Filing:
Alphabetical filing may seem simple, but a surprising number of people have trouble with it. To file alphabetically, you need to know two things: the alphabet, and that when two file names start with the same letter, you have to look at the next letter to see which goes first (e.g., "Donald" goes before "Drake" because "o" comes before "u" in the alphabet; similarly "Sandy" goes before "Sarah" because of course the "n" comes before "r" in the alphabet). There are other filing method such as the Dewey Decimal System which is more complex, but I'm just sharing a simple but practical example here.
4. Word-processing (Microsoft Word):
Microsoft Word is the word processing program used in most offices. It has more features than most people use regularly, such as mail merge, but all of its features are useful to know. I hope you paid attention in your EDPM classes. For those who didn't do the subject at CXC, you can go online and search for free online tutorials that teach how to use Word in simple steps.
5. Spreadsheets (Excel):
Microsoft Excel is the spreadsheet program used in most offices. Like Word, it has more capabilities than most people ever learn, including some very useful ones like graphing and pivot tables. It would be good if you can practice to use this program in your spare time, and you can find tutorials online to enhance your knowledge, especially on YouTube.
6. Telephone etiquette:

How to transfer calls and put calls on hold on a multi-line phone are easy enough skills to learn on the job. The skills you need to bring with you are smiling and always being polite, no matter how irritating a caller might get. Smiling is important because it comes through in your voice — and employers are more likely to hire smiling, friendly employees. Being pleasant to work with counts for a lot on the job.
7. Communication skills (reading, speaking and writing)

I decided to save this point for last because of all the skills it is extremely important to have! The standard here in the Western world is the English Language, if you are not able to speak it or write it properly in the first place you will have difficulty fulfilling all the functions mentioned above. If your grammar and spelling are weak, you will have difficulty entering data or typing words accurately. Poor communication skills also affects your ability to use the Microsoft software especially Word, and definitely, you need to be well versed in speaking the language to be hired as a Receptionist, etc. to answer phone calls. 

If you find that you are have this sort of problem, it's not the end of the world! And there's nothing to be ashamed of. Just like everyone else you have a weakness, one that can be corrected. You can improve your reading skills by going to classes, and while you're doing this, you can take the time to read books, newspaper articles, and practice writing essays, etc to improve your communication skills. When typing an email or text message use formal English spelling for common everyday words you would shorten on social media. So instead of using 'u' type 'you' and other words like those we normally shorten online. Practice to use the original spelling of words and gradually your writing skills will improve. Also practice to speak the language as often as possible; learn to be comfortable speaking it. All of these tips if practiced will ensure your success!

*Hunt and Peck - a method of typing in which one looks at the keyboard and types using usually the index fingers. Miriam-Webster Dictionary Online -

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