Thursday, 21 April 2022

Programme Officer (Kingston, Jamaica) - National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica


Programme Officer

The National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica (NCTFJ) was incorporated in 2014 as a not-for-profit company and is a locally registered Charity. The NCTFJ's purpose is to promote, for the benefit of the public, the conservation, protection, management and expansion of the National Protected Areas System (NPAS) of Jamaica, by providing a sustainable flow of funds to support activities that contribute substantially to the conservation, protection and maintenance of the biodiversity of Jamaica.

The NCTFJ launched its inaugural Call for Proposal in 2020 to provide grant funding to support eligible applicants working in Jamaica to conserve, protect and manage protected areas. The NCTFJ has recently mobilized additional resources from Inter-American Foundation and will be expanding its Grant-making portfolio to scale impacts of its grants in protected areas.

The NCTFJ is neeking a Programme Officer to provide relevant technicial support to the grant-making portfolio.

The Programme Officer will be paid a remuneration of J$ 3,097,048.00 per annum plus Commuted Upkeep allowance and other benefits.

The successful candidate should have:

  • A Master's Degree and three (3) years' experience in natural resource management or equivalent combination of education and experience


an Undergraduate Degree and six (6) years' experience in natural resource management or equivalent combination of education and experience;

  • Experience working with stakeholders in public and private sector agencies, NGOs and CBOs;
  • Experience in outreach with community or incipient groups; 
  • Experience in proposal writing and project management;
  • Experience facilitation skills for leading processes with a creative output;
  • Experience communicating with the public and/or media both in writing and verbally;
  • A valid driver's licence; and,
  • A reliable motor vehicle.

The full Teams of Reference and additional details can be found on our website at

Interested individuals should submit an application letter along with their Curriculum Vitae to The Fund Manager via the email: by 5:00 p.m. on May 3, 2022.

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