Showing posts with label College of Agriculture Science & Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label College of Agriculture Science & Education. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Lecturers (Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica) - College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE)

 College of Agriculture, Science and Education

Invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following positions, which are required for September 2023:

  • Lecturer (Full - Time) - Electronics and Physics
  • Lecturer (Full - Time) - Biology and Environmental Science
  • Lecturer (4 Months) - Communication
  • Lecturer (8 Months) - Agriculture Engineering
  • Lecturer (8 Months) - Education (Multi-Grade)
  • Lecturer (8 Months) - Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Lecturer (8 Months) - Plant Crop Science
  • Lecturer (8 Months) - Animal Science

Qualification and Experience
  • Applicants should have a Master's degree in the area of specialization.
  • Professional certification in education
  • A minimum of five (5) years' teaching experience.
  • Excellent communication (written and oral), presentation, and listening skills for multiple and diverse 
  • Proven competence in the delivery of instruction in the relevant discipline.
While we appreciate all applications, Please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Interested persons should forward their applications and resumes

No later than Monday, July 17, 2023, to the:

Director, Human Resource Management
College of Agriculture, Science and Education 
P.O. Box 170, Passley Garden,
Port Antonio, Portland.

Saturday, 23 April 2022

President (Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica) - College Of Agriculture, Science and Education

Applications are being invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following position at the College.


The College of Agriculture, Science and Education is Jamaica's premier multidisciplinary institution for the training of professionals in agriculture, science and education.


The President is the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the day management of the institution and all its assets to sustainability and success, ensuring that all targets are met. Providing strategic leadership for the college by working with the Board to develop policies, monitor and assess performance, take appropriate actions and lead the management team to establish and execute long-range goals, strategies and plans, which ensures a sustainable and effective education enterprise, thereby positioning the College as a highly desirable option for higher education and a leader and catalyst to national farm production.

The office is supported by senior officers whose Head Academic and Administration matters. The officers are the defacto experts in these areas in the College and advise the President.

Essential Functions

  • Build the image and brand of the college and reach out to partners and benefactors.
  • Manage and develop the academic programmes and student life to assure continuing relevance, quality, meeting market needs, personal values and conformance to good practice.
  • Manage the finances, farms, human resources, infrastructure, property and real estate, systems and processes and all assets to ensure a viable college.
  • Manage and monitor all assets to ensure a good ROI and liabilities and commitments to ensure value for money, efficiency and avoid loss and impairment of any sort.
  • Establish and operate a viable farm production system for both, livestock and crops, and be the exemplar and model for farmers island wide.
  • Perform or ensure risk analyses are performed so as to protect the students, employees, college, its Board and the Ministry.


  • Effective communicator and motivator in demeanour, speech and writing.
  • Transformational leadership style with high levels of emotional and social intelligence.
  • Strong analytic skills, problem solving and decision-making skills.
  • Skilled and competent in managing people at all level; managing finances of the college and its profit and cost centres; managing the building, machinery,equipment, infrastructure and real estate, the system and processes and managing the interests of students, employees and expectations of parents and others.
  • Result oriented performance management.
  • Able to deliver the outcomes agreed on time and within budget and run profitable farms.
Required Education and Experience

  • Master's Degree in Education, Management, Agriculture or appropriate discipline.
  • Preferably an earned Doctoral Degree from a recognized institution.
  • At least eight (8) years' experience managing, finances, people, assets, protects, programmes to meet targets and goals.
  • A minimum of five (5) years' teaching experience.
  • Experience in Educational Administration would be an asset.
The Job Description for the President is available upon request. While we appreciate all applications, please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Interested persons should forward their applications and resume no later than Friday, May 6, 2022, to the:

Chairman, Board of Management

College of Agriculture, Science and Education

P.O. Box 170, Passley Garden,

Port Antonio, Portland
