It was revealed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Jamaica) that an alarming number of Jamaican workers are resigning from their jobs expecting to receive redundancy payments.
Acting Director of the Pay and Conditions of Employment Unit within the Ministry of Labour, Patreena Minto-Powell said, "There is a misconception out there among the public, especially employees, that when they resign, the company should pay them for their years of service. When you explain to them, it is really sad because some of them resign after fifteen (15) years of employment, but they didn't take the opportunity to come to the Ministry before [they resigned]."
Minto-Powell revealed that she has been seeing these cases on a daily basis but cannot give a specific figure because they do not qualify as true redundancy cases. The Acting Director urged employees contemplating resigning from their jobs to first consult with the Ministry to ensure that they make an informed decision.
According to records from the Ministry almost 1,700 individuals filed complaints regarding redundancy and termination last year (2017). Minto-Powell however indicated that in most cases any grievances workers had with companies were resolved through a simple phone call or letter, while in other cases resolution was sought through mediation or court proceedings.