Showing posts with label job market trends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job market trends. Show all posts

Monday, 20 January 2020

"Will work for free!" Why an internship is a good idea.

If you are a recent graduate of high school or a college, or maybe a final year student at university about to graduate and enter the working world, you have one thing in common: your wish to find employment quickly. For many however, there is a hindrance to quickly securing employment as planned, and that is lack of work experience.

We all know the story, the enthusiastic, newly graduated job seeker goes out there to find employment but gets his/her enthusiasm crushed because every where they apply they are told they lack experience.

If you're reading this article and you find yourself in that particular situation, read on, this blog might change your outlook and your life!

So you're looking for work and applying to almost every job advert you see, but it's the same thing "candidate must have 1 to 3 years (or even more years) experience..." What can you do? How can you put the odds in your favor? Become an Intern, volunteer and/or join various clubs and societies and network! Today we'll be focusing on Internships.


Employers want to see that new graduates have some form of experience and they most certainly accept participation in a well-structured internship as relevant experience for entry level positions. An internship is one way of overcoming the lack of experience dilemma. The benefits include:

  • Gaining general work related and discipline specific knowledge
  • Developing skills and competencies
  • Building your confidence in relation to job performance
  • Acquiring a frame of reference for evidence of your abilities
  • Increasing the possibility of landing a job.

College students, if your academic programme requires or offers the option of taking an internship for academic credit please make full use of the opportunity! Alternatively, you may choose to take a not for credit internship and even go as far as getting involved with a programme that does not offer a stipend. Remember, the ultimate aim is to gain vital experience that will make you more marketable.
Here are a few strategies you should use to help you land a life-changing internship position:

1. Make a list of the organizations, large and small, at which you would like to intern.

2. Identify the specific knowledge and skills that you have to offer the organizations.

3. Determine the benefits you would like to derive from the internship experience.

4. Do your research. Find out which of these organizations do offer internship programmes. Don’t limit yourself to those companies with existing programmes. If you make a good case, your offer of service or request for accommodation could be considered by even those companies without established internship programmes.

5. Prepare a professionally appealing cover letter and résumé making sure to tailor them to match the needs and culture of each of your target organizations.

6. Begin making plans for your accommodation away from home or your current school location.

7. Engage your networking links to get doors of opportunity opened, your professors, mentors, as well as family and friends are good persons to begin with.

The search for the right internship can be just as tedious as finding an actual job, but don’t give up. You'll reap the rewards later. Use similar strategies as you would for a job search and be sure to begin your search early.

TIP: The best time to seek out an internship is during the summer months.

Happy hunting!

Looking for a job? Go here

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Jamaica's Unemployment rate fell to 7.2% (STATIN 2019 survey)

According to the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) Jamaica's unemployment rate fell to landmark of 7.2 per cent, based on the October 2019 Labour Force Survey.

Carol Coy, STATIN's Director General, says this is 1.5 percentage points lower than the 8.7 per cent rate for the same period in 2018. She also revealed 0.6 per cent below the 7.8% recorded in the April 2019 survey.

Coy divulged that the total number of persons in jobs as at October rose by 2.4%, compared to the same period in 2018.

She was speaking during STATIN's quarterly media briefing held at The Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston on Friday, January 17, 2020.

The Director General said a breakdown of the data shows that the total number of unemployed persons as at October 2019 stood at 96,700, representing a 16.4 per cent decline over the previous year.

She noted that female unemployment rate decreased by 16,000 people to 53,400, while the total number of unemployed males decreased by 3,000 individuals to 43,300.

The Director General said the data for females represented a 2.6 percentage point decline to 8.6 per cent, while the rate for the males dipped from 6.4 per cent to six per cent.

Additionally, she noted that the unemployment rate for youth aged 14 to 24 fell from 24.9 per cent in October 2018 to 21.1 per cent last year (2019).

She revealed:

“The unemployment rate for male youth decreased by 3.6 percentage points to 18.2 per cent in October 2019 [while] the unemployment rate for female youth declined by 3.9 percentage points to 24.7 per cent.”

Coy said the number of people in jobs as at October rose by 29,200 (2.4 per cent) to 1,248,400, relative to the same period in 2018. The overall labour force increased by 10,200 people to 1,345,100.

She said that overall female employment, which rose by 18,600 people to 565,600, and this was nearly twice that of males, which went up 10,600 to 682,800.

The number of people classified as being outside the labour force, as at October 2019, totalled 741,500, which was 10,800 (1.4 per cent) fewer than the 752,300 recorded the previous year.

Monday, 15 July 2019

Job & Career Development Advice

1. Jobs of the Future: 14 jobs that will be in demand in 2020 and beyond.

1. Solar Energy Technician

Like wind energy, solar power will continue to be a major part of humanity's transition toward a clean-energy future. The cost of solar energy keeps dropping year after year, so it's becoming much more affordable for businesses and homeowners. In cities all around the world, solar energy technicians are enjoying stable employment in a growing industry that makes a positive difference. In the U.S., about 30,000 solar technician jobs may become available over the decade from 2016 to 2026. The average yearly pay for this occupation was USD $42,680 in 2018.

2. Wind Energy Technician

With climate change threatening to severely damage the world as we know it, it will become more important to move to clean energy sources. Reducing carbon and methane emissions means transitioning away from fossil fuel sources like oil, coal, and natural gas. That means wind energy will likely be a big part of the future. It's already an industry that's grown a lot. And it will likely grow a lot more, meaning that skilled technicians will be needed to help with the installation, maintenance, and repair of giant wind turbines...

See more...

2. Ten 'success-filled' habits job seekers MUST have in 2019 and beyond.
The reality is that we live in an extremely competitive job market and while we wish there were more jobs, the truth is that employment prospects are few compared to the number of qualified persons hunting for them. So now I'm sure you're asking me...what do you do?...

See more...

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Wage Increase: Consultation on minimum wage being done with public.

According to Minister of Labour and Social Security, Shahine Robinson, the National Minimum Wage Commission will be consulting the public on the minimum wage. She informed the House of Representatives during her contribution to the Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives two (2) days ago.

Based on the recommendations of the Commission in 2018, the national minimum wage was raised to JMD $7,000 per 40-hour work week, an increase of 12.9 per cent. The previous wage amount was JMD $6,200.

The minister noted that, "This represents the highest increase ever granted. Let me emphasise that the review of the minimum wage is ongoing. The Commission will again be engaging the public in consultation as it conducts its review and makes recommendations for an adjustment to the minimum wage."

She also reminded the House members that the national minimum wage is a floor and not a ceiling, asserting that it is a social protection mechanism and legally defines the lowest compensation for any Jamaican worker.

“Therefore, I commend all employers who routinely compensate above this threshold to honour the value of their employees,” the minister said.

New jobs coming! Another Spanish hotel to set up business in Jamaica.

New jobs will be coming  to Jamaica's tourism industry very soon! Princess Hotels and Resorts will be building its new resort by next summer (2020).

The Spanish hotel chain has holdings in its home market, the Canary Islands, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic and is looking to expand to Jamaica and Costa Rica, said Rafael Millan, the company's Caribbean representative.

Princess’ Jamaican resort is slated to be built on 186 acres at Green Island in Hanover. The seller was a private owner who was identified only as a Jamaican-Canadian.

“We are currently working on the master plan,” said Millan. “We are doing 2,000 rooms in two phases – one phase of 1,000 and another phase of 1,000.”

June 2020, he said, is the date being considered for groundbreaking.

Princess Hotels was founded in 1967. Millan said the number of rooms being operated in the Caribbean amounts to 5,000.

He said the company’s total investment in the Jamaican resort would range between US$150 million and US$500 million.

Lauding the Jamaican brand he said:

Jamaica “is extremely interesting for the type of products we manage. It is a very solid brand, internationally well known. Historically, Jamaica is one of the first international brands in the market. Jamaica is where all-inclusive started in the ’70s after the oil crisis.”

Millan also noted that, “The brand has been there for many years. Everyone respects and likes it. You say ‘Jamaica’ to everyone in the world, and normally, what you get back is a smile.”

Looking for a housekeeping, babysitting or nursing job or a gardener, handyman job? Go here and subscribe:

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Administrative Assistant (Kingston, Jamaica) - Ministry of Health

Under the general supervision of the Programme Coordinator, the Administrative Assistant (GMG/AM 3) is required to assist the Programme Coordinator with administrative duties to ensure the achievement of the Programme’s activities.

Main Responsibilities
  • Participate in the development of the Operational Plan and budget for the Ophthalmology Centre
  • Provide administrative support to the Eye Care Centre and medical team
  • Procure sundries and other items for the Eye Care Centre
  • Certify and commit claims for payments
  • Compile information for reports
  • Provide confidential secretarial and administrative support to the Programme Coordinator
  • Provide effective and efficient communication and liaison; extracting and organizing data/information in required format
  • Update the personal records of the staff and prepare the performance evaluation reports for the staff
  • Locate and compile data or information from files
  • Prepare calendar and inform others of deadlines and other important dates
  • Prepare agenda and minutes of meetings
  • Type letters, memoranda and miscellaneous correspondence
  • Responsible for office equipment and supplies and maintenance scheduling
  • Maintain inventory of all assets, medical supplies and stationery for the programme
  • Liaise with patients on queries relating to appointment dates etc.
  • Schedule the transportation of the medical staff and patients as required
 Key outputs

  • Monthly, quarterly, annual and ad hoc reports prepared on a timely basis
  • Material and equipment inventory records maintained
  • Re-order level developed for supplies
  • Bills certified and commitment requisition prepared on a timely basis
  • Screening Roster circulated on a timely basis
  • Agenda, action sheet and minutes developed and circulated timely
  • Letter, memorandum and correspondence typed and submitted on a timely basis
  • Budget prepared in a timely manner
  • Goods and Services procured on a timely basis

 Special Condition associated with the job

  • Work beyond normal working hours as the need arise
Required competences

  • High level of confidentiality
  • Knowledge of GOJ procurement guidelines/Ministry’s policies and procedures
  • Good organizational and management skills
  • Excellent Oral and Written Communication Skills; Excellent Interpersonal Relations skills
  • Competent in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Analytical ability is required in order to gather and summarize data for reports, find solutions to various administrative problems, and prioritize work
  • continuous attention to detail is required in composing, typing and proofing materials, establishing priorities and meeting deadlines


  • Associate Degree in Business  Administration or equivalent
  • 4 CXC subjects, including Mathematics and English
  • Minimum of three(3) years experience in a similar position

Interested persons may apply in writing accompanied by resumes. Applications must be submitted no later than Wednesday, February 20, 2019 to:

Human Resource Management and Development
Ministry of Health
10A Chelsea Avenue
Kingston 10

Please note that responses will be sent to short- listed applicants only.

Looking for a housekeeping, babysitting or nursing job or a gardener, handyman job? Go here and subscribe:

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Ten 'Success-filled' habits Job Seekers MUST have for 2020 and beyond!

by S. Jeffery

Ah! A new year! New beginning! 2020 is here and picking up speed! Time is moving fast friends: many of us made vows to ourselves that this year would a better year for prosperity, and for some of us we hope that our circumstances will change and we'll finally be able to receive the job we've prayed for.
The reality is that we live in an extremely competitive job market and while we wish there were more jobs, the truth is that employment prospects are few compared to the number of qualified persons hunting for them. So now I'm sure you're asking me...what do you do? There must be something that can be done to give you the edge you need to stand out at an interview (or even get an interview in the first place). This blog post will seek to help you chart a more successful course for the new year! So read on...
The job market is highly competitive, which can be quite intimidating for job seekers especially when they didn’t graduate at the top of their class. However, according to former CEO of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica, Dennis Chung, “the most competent or brightest do not necessarily make the most productive employees”.
In fact, he claims that employers may often prefer someone who has a positive attitude: someone willing to learn, as opposed to someone who is a ‘know it all’.
Believe me, an attitude open to learning new skills and develop abilities will always make job seekers viable in the job market. With that said here are 10 habits job seekers should have to be successful in landing an interview or earn a place in the company of their choice.
Young graduates may think that after finishing university getting a job would be automatic, the sad truth is... it nuh guh suh!
1. Match your qualifications to the job you seek
First of all, you have to recognise that your qualifications must match the job that you are seeking. You may realise that the market requires more than what you have and that you may need to put in additional work to be on par with what the job market demands.
2. Attend workshops
Improving on yourself is a valuable tool. Workshops will broaden your scope and knowledge on a plethora of subjects and employers value having rounded people on their teams.
3. Volunteer/Network
If you are unemployed, the first thing that you want to consider is volunteering. It is the best way to get into the job market. It is also a very good way to meet people so that you can exchange numbers and build relationships. So, whenever you can offer a helping hand, do it, and you might find that another helping hand will be offered to you.
4. Make your resume specific
What you put on your résumé is what actually sells you. Remember, the person interviewing you has never met you before so you have to ensure that you have done a good job at compiling your résumé. Make sure that you are not giving them more than two pages. A resume with more pages often gets overlooked because job seekers include skills that are not relevant to the job they are seeking. Additionally, be clear about the job that you desire. Please don’t say that you wish to be hired into any available position. That shows desperation. Allow the employer to make that decision based on the company’s needs.
5. Don’t change jobs frequently
It doesn’t have to be several years of service but your loyalty to an institution is important. If you seem ‘nomadic’ in your job pattern this can be a turn-off since companies are looking to train and invest in people for the long term.
6. Learn to sell yourself
...Especially when you have not worked anywhere else or you cannot say what you have done at work. Many employees are willing to listen about personal achievements because these could say a lot about your character and potentially the kind of employee that you could be. So, for example, if you play sports and you have been doing well, if you are involved and have been doing well in community work or a club, many employees will be willing to listen and consider you based on how you have presented yourself. Playing team sports suggests that you would have been exposed to working in a team, to respecting those whom you work with, and to conflict resolution, which are all important in business.
7. Don’t think of any job as too low for you
If a job is offered below your pay grade or what you may believe to be menial you may want to consider accepting it. These ‘menial jobs’ could present a gateway to a very big opportunity but employers are keen on testing whom they take onto their teams. Often, employers offer the job and note that there will be a possibility for promotion, so hang on to the opportunity.
8. Do your homework (research the company and their expectations)
It is easy to settle when you are overwhelmed by joblessness, but being happy with your job is very important to the contribution and the value that you add to your workplace. So, it is important to do your research and apply according to your findings. Do a complete a research on the organisation with which you desire to work, as well as who heads it, their values, interests, and whether they have ever commented on what they expect of employees. Knowing these could work in your favour at the interview.
9. Do not focus on academics alone
Employers also search for persons with soft skills. So even before you become job-seekers think about extracurricular activities. Employers find that these employees usually have a wealth of knowledge from their involvement in different groups to share.
10. Keep Up Appearances
Always keep a clean presentable suit, even if it is just one. You also always want to be well groomed.
Hope this was helpful to you guys. Remember to follow this blog for useful career tips like these.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Ten (10) Most Popular Jobs in Jamaica & Job Market Trends

Recently research was done which identified the top ten most popular jobs in Jamaica. The research was carried out by The Ministry of Labour and Social Security. It was published in April 2018 and was entitled, 'Labour Market Trends and Prospects for Employment Opportunities in Jamaica'. 

The Ministry also publishes a quarterly publication called "Hot Occupations" which lists the ten (10) most in demand jobs based on the vacancy ads published in the Classified and Careers sections of the Sunday newspapers. Data was also collected from the Electronic Labour Exchange, as well as the Work Permit and Private Employment Agency departments of the Ministry.

 "Since the Jamaican economy is primarily driven by the service sector, a large proportion of job vacancies are found in this area," the Ministry said.

The Ministry further revealed that, as of December 2017, seventy-seven (77) Private Employment Agencies (PEAs) were registered to assist Jamaicans in finding employment both locally and overseas. Data submitted by PEAs to the Ministry for the period January to December 2017 was also used to determine the types of positions that were in demand in Jamaica.

A total of 1,847 vacancies were submitted to the Ministry. Domestic helpers stood out significantly as the largest group, accounting for close to half of the vacancies advertised; 47 percent (869). Next in line were clerical workers at 13.8 percent or 255 vacancies followed by waiters with 253 or 13.7 per cent.

The document Labour Market Trends and Prospects for Employment Opportunities in Jamaica' was recently tabled in the parliament.

The top ten most popular/in demand jobs in Jamaica according to job market trends for 2017 were (in no particular order of significance):
  1. Teachers, 
  2. Accountants, 
  3. Managers/directors, 
  4. Customer/sales representatives, 
  5. Officers, 
  6. Supervisors, 
  7. Technicians, 
  8. Clerks 
  9. Nurses
  10. Domestic Helpers

After looking at these figures we wanted to find out the industries that were the most popular for Jamaicans to be employed in, which could give us and you an idea of where the jobs are being filled. 
Below is a list of the top ten (10) industries which absorb most of Jamaica's skilled labour force:
Figures are from 2017 and collected from the Labour Market Information Portal of the HEART Trust/NTA:
  1. Wholesale and Retail Repair of Motor Vehicle and Equipment    262,900 workers
  2. Agriculture, Hunting And Forestry & Fishing    205,550 workers
  3. Hotel and Restaurant    120,550 workers
  4. Construction    119,300 workers
  5. Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities    89,225 workers
  6. Manufacturing    86,500 workers
  7. Transport, Storage and Communication    81,575 workers
  8. Other Community, social and Personal Service Activities    73,150 workers
  9. Education    74,325 workers
  10. Public Administration and Defence, Compulsory Social Security    63,600 workers

  1. Loop Jamaica. 'Top ten 'hot' jobs in Jamaica'. Retrieved September 15, 2018.
  2. HEART Trust/NTA. 'Labour Force Trends'. Labour Market Information Portal. Retrieved September 20, 2018.

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Career Focus Jamaica.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

226 jobs cut as sugar producer J. Wray and Nephew faces rising production costs

J. Wray and Nephew Limited, operators of the Appleton Estate, revealed that 226 workers have lost their jobs. The company indicated that due to high operational costs, losses and severe dip in sugar prices, they had no choice but to close down the Holland Estate and the Casa Marantha Estate, both located in St. Elizabeth.

Chairman of J. Wray and Nephew, Mr. Clement Livingston, revealed that the company is seeking to make the redundancy process favorable for the laid-off workers by providing job training, alternative employment and scholarship opportunities for their children.

"J. Wray and Nephew is aware of the harsh economic conditions that the displaced workers may face and will put measures in place to help mitigate some of these realites. However, the challenges we face in sugar production are enormous and demand this kind of action", he said.

Mr. Lawrence hastened to add that: 

"This doesn't in any way, shape, or form signal any exiting from sugar. We're simply dealing with this area, which is least productive, most costly, most challenging and difficult for us when we did a broad-scale analysis to make that change to cauterise the losses. That, simply, is it." 

He confirmed that the company remained committed to Jamaica's sugar cane industry, evidenced by the recent multi-billion dollar investment in the Joy Spence Appleton Experience in St. Elizabeth. 

Giving insight into the factors that led to the job cuts, the Chairman explained that Holland is below sea level. 

"You have to pump water off the land. It takes electricity to operate those huge Farbus pumps, and so you can see right at the outset, it's challenging. And even areas that we have to irrigate, you don't irrigate with the same level of cost as it is to pump water off the land. So that really is the fundamental story surrounding our actions," he noted.

The issue was made worse because of several major factors that affect the sugar cane industry. In October 2017, preferential treatment was removed by the Europian Union, which no longer facilitates a guaranteed sugar quota from Jamaica and other Caribbean sugar cane producing countries. Also, Jamaica's sugar industry has still not been able to produce the precious commodity at cheaper production costs and so therefore dismally competes with other producers who have been able to produce greater yields more efficiently and cheaply. 

The J. Wray and Nephew Limited Chairman revealed: "The production of sugar cane has declined, and global purchasers have been able to purchase sugar at far lower prices than Jamaica has been able to support."

Over the years Jamaica's sugar industry has been plagued with issues that have hampered it from contributing more robustly to the economy. From the razing of the sugar cane to the harsh impact of climate change: severe drought to heavy flooding, the industry has suffered heavy losses.

Although the Holland and Marantha Estates will be closed, the world famous Appleton Estate will continue production. The factory will also continue to accept sugar cane from private famers and the New Yarmouth Sugar Estate.

J. Wray and Nephew and its subsidiary Appleton are owned by the renowned Italian alcohol beverages company Campari.

Investors Choice -
The Gleaner -
The Observer -

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Thursday, 31 May 2018

No Pensions! Elderly workforce to increase in coming years.

In a joint publication released by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), it was reported that in the coming years more and more elderly persons may find themselves staying longer in the workforce or being forced back into working due to lack of pension plans. In the study it was revealed that more than half of older persons in Latin America and the Caribbean do not receive a pension from a contributing system.

As it concerns the demographic data it stated that more than half of all men and women ages 60 and over interviewed for the report, do not receive income from a pension fund and stated this was the main reason they remained active in the labour force.

The report projects that the proportion of older folks ages 60 and above in the workplace will rise to 15% by 2050, an increase from 7.5% in 2015.

ECLAC states:
"This [increase] is due, above all, to the ageing of the population and, to a lesser degree, a moderate increase in older adults' labour participation."

Inspite of the recent expansion of contributory pension systems across eight of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, the data shows that an average 57.7% of persons between the ages of 65 and 69 years old, and 51.8% of persons 70 years and older, still do not receive a pension from a contributory system. Alarmingly, the figures are higher for women. The report noted that this forces many older persons to work. The report also noted that most of the elderly labour force work in the agricultural sector where the pension coverage is low.

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. 'Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean'. 2018. Retrieved  S1800397_en

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Business Owners! Would you like to market your product or service on Career Focus Jamaica? Now you can! For only JMD$2000 (one week) your products will be advertised as a featured post on our blog and will receive ample exposure to the public. Contact: for details.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Jamaica's female professonals finding greener pastures in Canada.

Data released from the Canadian High Commission indicate that more and more skilled, professional women are opting to migrate to Canada to grab the many career opportunities in that country. According to the High Commission, between 2014 - 2017 approximately 6,300 Jamaican women became permanent residents in Canada, most settling in the east-central province of Ontario.

The western province of Alberta has been the second most welcoming area for Jamaican female professionals over the past four years. The High Commission cite a combination of career opportunities and other factors as possible reasons for the migration:

"While we do not have data to confirm this, we expect that the pull factors for women are likely the same as for men, namely a combination of economic, career and personal factors,"

While definitive data is not yet available on the occupations Jamaican women are now employed in, the High Commission said they are varied. They were however able to identify the top jobs they are noted to be involved in:

"Some of the top occupations are licensed practical nurses, registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses, admninistrative assistants, financial auditors and accountants, social and community service workers [as well as white collar professions such as] advertising, marketing and public relations," the High Commission revealed.


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Friday, 18 May 2018

Dangers of Ignorance: Jamaican employees resign their jobs with no compensation to get!

It was revealed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Jamaica) that an alarming number of Jamaican workers are resigning from their jobs expecting to receive redundancy payments.

Acting Director of the Pay and Conditions of Employment Unit within the Ministry of Labour, Patreena Minto-Powell said, "There is a misconception out there among the public, especially employees, that when they resign, the company should pay them for their years of service. When you explain to them, it is really sad because some of them resign after fifteen (15) years of employment, but they didn't take the opportunity to come to the Ministry before [they resigned]."

Minto-Powell revealed that she has been seeing these cases on a daily basis but cannot give a specific figure because they do not qualify as true redundancy cases. The Acting Director urged employees contemplating resigning from their jobs to first consult with the Ministry to ensure that they make an informed decision.

According to records from the Ministry almost 1,700 individuals filed complaints regarding redundancy and termination last year (2017). Minto-Powell however indicated that in most cases any grievances workers had with companies were resolved through a simple phone call or letter, while in other cases resolution was sought through mediation or court proceedings.


Wednesday, 28 March 2018

FCJ building projects facilitates more job creation! (Jamaica 2018)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness, in his presentation to parliament during the 2018/2019 budget debates revealed that the Factories Corporation of Jamaica (FCJ) was authorised by the government to implement three projects to develop 1.5 million square feet of space. Construction will take place over the next three to five years. The space will be dedicated 

to both commercial and industrial enterprises.

Among the engagements expected to be facilitated are agro-processing, business process 
outsourcing (BPO), manufacturing, distribution and warehousing. Prime Minster Andrew 
Holness, who made the announcement, said 30 per cent of the space will be dedicated to 
small and medium-sized enterprises.

This information was revealed during his budget speech which was titled
'Prosperity in Action.' Mr. Holness also noted that there was increased demand for 
commercial/production space which amounted to 470,000 square feet in 2017.

“At Garmex Free Zone, the largest commercial complex in the island, prospective investors 
demanded 241,000 square feet of production space. This high demand for space is also 
reflected in the increase in occupancy from 86 per cent to 93 per cent over the last 12 
months in FCJ facilities,” he indicated.

Holness pointed out that Garmex Free Zone in Kingston sits on 52.7 acres of land, 8.7 
acres of which is unused, greenfield “which is ripe for development”. He informed the 
House that the style of the existing buildings is “flat” construction, and will be redesigned 
to create multilevel structures of higher capacity.

The Prime Minister said that phase one of the project will entail the construction of 
360,000 square feet across 14 buildings of varying sizes. The FCJ, said Holness, has also 
received full approval from the Public Investment Management Secretariat, adding that 
“the procurement process has already started and these buildings are expected to be 
delivered by the second quarter of 2019”.

In relation to Morant Bay's revitalisation incorporating the establishment of a new urban 
centre at the former Goodyear tyre factory, the prime minister advised that FCJ has also 
received conditional approval from the management secretariat for this project 
and was awaiting Cabinet's go-ahead for the joint venture agreement.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Red Stripe Jamaica Increases productivity while Cutting Staff

Red Stripe Jamaica (Desnoes and Geddes), will make eight positions redundant in 2018 with most choosing voluntary retirement, an official has indicated. 

It comes as the company launched a new plant to increase productivity.

According to Ricardo Nuncio, managing director at Red Stripe, these improvements will result " some employees gaining new opportunities for growth and development through promotions, lateral moves and job enrichment. Regrettably, as part of these changes, eight roles were made redundant."

He further stated, "Red Stripe wishes to thank our eight employees who will exit the business at the end of December for their dedication and contribution to Red Stripe over the years and offer them best wishes and success for the future.” 

Nuncio added that the staff reductions are not directly related to the new plant which added 80 new jobs in the return of local manufacturing for the export market. 

“We will hire more than that as we expand towards 2020,” he said.

Red Stripe currently employs 340 persons with an additional 1,000 in Celebration Brands, its distribution joint venture with Pepsi.  

The managing director revealed that over the past two years, Red Stripe has implemented a number of changes designed to ensure it holds the right tools, systems, organization and resources that will deliver its 2020 ambition.  

"In 2017, we rolled out a new enterprise resource planning system, HEI-Core Single Client and installed a new packaging line. We also continued to seek out more efficiencies through the simplification of complex processes, job redesign and streamlining our ways of working. As part of this drive at process improvement and to increase productivity levels, Red Stripe will also reorganize our shift pattern structure from 12-hour shifts, seven days a week to 8-hour shifts, five days a week effective January 2018," Nuncio stated.

The company continues to improve efficiency levels at the island’s brewery owned by beer giant Heineken International. Red Stripe spent nearly US$18 million on its new line for the export market. 

The new line 8 will nearly triple the brewery's production to 26,000 cases per day or one million bottles of the Jamaican beer for the domestic and international markets. Also, the company now runs its plant on cheaper liquefied natural gas which powers over 90 per cent of its energy needs. 

The company's top export markets are the United States and Canada, with two million and 700,000 cases in annual shipments, respectively. As at July 2017, the company recorded 15 per cent market growth in the American focus cities of Miami, Tampa, Orlando and Atlanta.


Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Job Market Preparation Tips just for You, part 2.

Hi guys! Last time we decided to take a peep at the 2017 jobs survey, today we wanna help you further to provide the information you need to make your job hunting experience a rewarding one. Whether you are a university/college student or currently out of school and actively looking for employment, this article is definitely for you.. Friends, now that you've read the first article [go here to read] we want to further proceed to give you practical steps as to what to do next...

A. Research your Career options

1. Do a review of the skills/educational opportunities you wish to pursue or currently pursuing and its relevance to the job market -
Visit your college/university to meet with your career and placement officer or guidance counselor and ask for advice about your interests. Reflect on your career and job interests and what area of study would best help you fulfill your career goals and potential. Yes, when persons enter university they already have in mind what they wish to study, but there is nothing wrong, especially at the early stages, in making adjustments and really taking a second look at your area of study and what you want to pursue.  Ask questions of the counselor, get their feedback and do further research to ensure that you have as much information as possible. It is sad to hear of graduates who after studying hard for their degree face set backs in finding employment in their specialisation. We do not want this to happen to you.

2. Be thoroughly knowledgeable about the content of your area of specialisation. Obtain relevant curriculum materials and become conversant with their requirements. There may be opportunities available to study certain courses or combination of courses that can give an edge in the industry or career you want to pursue.  

B. Be Prepared

1. Vet application documents - Have your current résumé reviewed. This can be done also at the school's careers and placement centre. Seek honest criticism, advice and take whatever steps necessary to re-structure your cover letter and résumé.

2. Job Interview Skills - Sharpen them up! Watch and listen to as many videos as possible, practice answering the questions and ask a friend to help you prepare. Read articles that address issues such as presentation, deportment, body language and communication during the interview. That way you will be properly prepared.

3. Speaking of communication, take the time to work on improving this skill both written and verbal as it is an essential tool to gaining career success. While working on it don't forget these other employability skills: critical thinking, interpersonal/human relations, team work, career management*, initiative, and computer and information technology skills. 

4. Work Experience - While in college seek opportunities to work in the area of your interest or as close to it as possible. For example, an Accountant should seek to gain as much experience working in an accounting/auditing firm or seek opportunity to work in the accounts department of a company. Aim as much as possible to gain practical experience in your interest.

C. On the Job Hunt

1. Develop your own job search action plan by doing the following:

a. Think about then write down your job or career goal

b. Make a list of your top job-related skills and abilities

c. List specific job-search actions and timelines for completion

2. Identify job leads through newspaper adverts, job/career websites, employment agencies, job fairs, Ministry of Education (the office and the official website) and the HEART Trust/NTA's Regional Career Office. 

3. Networking — Utilise your social and professional contacts. In communicating with your network linkages do not let your message be “help me get a job or I need a job”. Instead, express that you are prepared and available to assist an organisation to meet specific goals based on your skills.

4. Volunteer — Volunteer even for two days per week at a school to assist with marking exams or school-based assessment projects or you ask to help at your community's youth centre. Other organisations are often willing to engage volunteers, especially in areas of clerical task (data entry, filing, etc.) and customer service.

5. Be Confident about your abilities  — Be aware of what you can offer your prospective employer and use it as your marketing tool. Be confident going into a job interview, that way the employer will see that you know what you're capable of and you're ready to use your skills to build the company.

6. Explore entrepreneurship — Explore opportunities through which you can apply your training. For example, you could start a homework centre in your community. Through this initiative you could build your reputation and credibility as an excellent teacher and exam-preparation coach.

6. Be diligent — Treat your job search like a job. Persevere until you achieve success.

*Career management - "Career management is the combination of structured planning and the active management choice of one's own professional career..." 
(Wikipedia -  

Job Search Classified pic courtesy of Shutterstock

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article, we are confident that information presented here will be useful to you and we hope that you will be generous in sharing this information with your friends and family!

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