Showing posts with label Work Etiquette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Work Etiquette. Show all posts

Monday, 13 January 2020

Ten things you should never do at work.

Here are ten very inappropriate things that happen at work, but shouldn’t. Don’t be the perpetrator of any of these workplace gaffes. Your coworkers will thank you and your professional ambitions will not be blunted when you watch your business manners!

1. Participate in a loud mobile-phone conversation while walking down a hallway, thus interrupting dozens of people in their work.

Chew ice or gum, slurp coffee or otherwise eat or drink loudly or obtrusively whether you’re in your cubicle, in a conference room or anywhere else.

3. Work out via a lunchtime: bike ride or run and then go back to work without washing up.

4. Get into an argument on the phone and force your teammates to listen to it.

5. Apply or remove nail polish at your desk.
Some people are allergic to the chemicals in nail polish and polish remover — and that goes for cologne, after shave and perfume, too!

6. Try to engage one co-worker in a gossip about another co-worker.

7. Walk into a meeting late and ask the other participants to bring you up to speed on the part of the meeting you missed.

8. Ask your co-workers about their financial status, or talk about your own.

9. Invite one co-worker to lunch while ignoring another co-worker who’s standing or sitting right there.

10. Push your political or religious views on your co-workers.

Hope this was helpful be sure to share!