Showing posts with label Serge Island Farms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serge Island Farms. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Farm Supervisor (St. Thomas, Jamaica) - Serge Island Farms (Seprod Group)


Responsible for supervision of manpower and resources attributed to the farm and implementation of production strategies to maximize efficiency and profitability so as to ensure KPI’s are met. Assist the Farm Manager, in coordinating the daily operational activities of the farm, including milking operations, animal health, pasture maintenance and record keeping.

  • Effective management of all aspects of the milking process and related operational activities to include:
  • Ensuring that proper milking and sanitization procedures are maintained.
  • Ensuring milking and cooling equipment are maintained in reasonable condition.
  • Proper recording of milk weights as per schedule.
  • Ensuring consistent high quality of the milk produced
  • See to the care of the animal through scheduling and executing standard animal husbandry practices for identification, parasite and tick infestation, de-horning, hoof care, “heat detection and artificial insemination etc.
  • Maintain pastures/pens to ensure adequate fencing, grazing cycle is being observed, access to reliable clean water supply in troughs and waste mitigation done.
  • Maintain a daily record of activities and events on the farm; prepare all reports for submission in keeping with STO to include missing animals, feed receipts, usage and balance.
  • Perform human resource related functions for the scheduling, training, disciplining, and performance evaluation of supervised manpower, to include task workers.
  • Keep log/inventory of all building material, veterinary, cleaning and sanitising supplies, feeds, etc are ordered, in storage and distributed for the daily operation of the farm. Control the distribution of drugs and chemicals.
  • Maintain a count of all animals daily, ensuring that information pertaining to births, deaths, sales, transfers, illnesses and treatment are readily available including accurate cattle weights and sales documents.
  • Participate in housekeeping, food safety, and general safety initiatives as required by the Company.
  • Perform any other related duties consistent with the position as required by management.

  • B.Sc. in Animal Science or Associate Degree Animal Science
  • Training in Supervisory Management.
  • Experience in supervising and coordinating labour management.
  • At least one (2) year experience working on a commercial agricultural operation specifically focused on animal husbandry or dairy industry.

Send a detailed resume to

We thank all interested applicants; however, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Monday, 7 August 2023

Milker (St. Thomas, Jamaica) - Serge Island Farms

 The Role

To ensure proper milking procedure and maintain a clean milking area to ensure the maximum production and quality of milk. 

Key Results Areas:

  • Retrieve herd from pasture for milking
  • Prepare parlour area for animals to come into milking which includes:
    • Flush, take down the lines and clean them
    • Wash milk tank with recommended cleaning agents
    • Take down clusters and hang them up
    • Change or replace filters and damaged seals
  • Follow the established standard operating procedure for the milking of cows which includes sanitizing, stripping, attaching cluster and post dip
  • Release cows from milking dock and return to pasture immediately
  • At the end of the milking session wash milking parlour, return cluster to hanging positions and flush lines
  • Any other related duties as assigned by management

Minimum Qualifications and Experience:
  • HEART Trust/NSTA Certificate in General Agriculture
  • Secondary level education
  • Have at least one (1) year experience working on a dairy farm
Applications together with detailed resumes should be submitted by August 12, 2023 to:

Monday, 20 June 2022

Accountant Needed (St. Thomas, Jamaica) - Seprod (Serge Island Farms)



Serge Island Farms - St. Thomas

Purpose of Role

Provide accurate and timely information to management on the operations of the entity, make recommendations for improvement in the systems of internal control and procedure, and recommend appropriate training for staff supervised.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Preparation of monthly financial statements in the prescribed formats this to include explanation for significant variances from budget.
  • To be responsible for the external audit of the company's accounts.
  • To provide any assistance necessary to the internal auditors.
  • To prepare monthly profit projections and periodic cash flow projections.
  • To coordinate the budget activities for the company and prepare the budgeted financial statements.
  • To monitor financial ratios.
  • To ensure that all cash collected is properly accounted for and lodged within one day of receipt.
  • To ensure that bank accounts are monitored on a daily basis and reconciled within the specified time.
  • To coordinate the monthly stocktaking activities to monitor all activities at the location which have an impact on the financial statements with emphasis being placed on customer ordering and invoicing.
  • To monitor the cost associated with capital projects to ensure that expenditure is within budget and that assets are capitalized as soon as they are completed.
  • To ensure that the fixed assets register is updated on a timely basis for assets acquired or disposed of and to ensure that balances agree with the general ledger.
  • To ensure that the correct depreciation is charged on these assets.
  • To ensure that suppliers are paid on time and that all liability for goods and services received are correctly reflected in the company's accounts.
  • To ensure that all taxes are filed and paid on time especially General Consumption Tax.
  • To monitor the activities of all other central accounting including payroll and accounts payable, to ensure that correct entries are recorded.
  • To supervise the accounting staff.
  • To ensure that amounts due to the company are properly accounted for and accounts receivable trail balance is reconciled to the general ledger control account.
Qualifications and Experience

  • ACCA Level 2 or B.Sc. in Accounting.
  • At least five (5) years' working experience in accounting preferably within a manufacturing environment.
  • Proficient with the use of accounting software.
  • Familiarity with Microsoft suite of software tools.
Residence in the parish of St. Thomas will be a distinct advantage for preferred candidates.

Send a detailed resume to by Friday, June 24, 2022.

We thank all interested applicants; however, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.