Monday, 24 September 2018

Ten (10) Most Popular Jobs in Jamaica & Job Market Trends

Recently research was done which identified the top ten most popular jobs in Jamaica. The research was carried out by The Ministry of Labour and Social Security. It was published in April 2018 and was entitled, 'Labour Market Trends and Prospects for Employment Opportunities in Jamaica'. 

The Ministry also publishes a quarterly publication called "Hot Occupations" which lists the ten (10) most in demand jobs based on the vacancy ads published in the Classified and Careers sections of the Sunday newspapers. Data was also collected from the Electronic Labour Exchange, as well as the Work Permit and Private Employment Agency departments of the Ministry.

 "Since the Jamaican economy is primarily driven by the service sector, a large proportion of job vacancies are found in this area," the Ministry said.

The Ministry further revealed that, as of December 2017, seventy-seven (77) Private Employment Agencies (PEAs) were registered to assist Jamaicans in finding employment both locally and overseas. Data submitted by PEAs to the Ministry for the period January to December 2017 was also used to determine the types of positions that were in demand in Jamaica.

A total of 1,847 vacancies were submitted to the Ministry. Domestic helpers stood out significantly as the largest group, accounting for close to half of the vacancies advertised; 47 percent (869). Next in line were clerical workers at 13.8 percent or 255 vacancies followed by waiters with 253 or 13.7 per cent.

The document Labour Market Trends and Prospects for Employment Opportunities in Jamaica' was recently tabled in the parliament.

The top ten most popular/in demand jobs in Jamaica according to job market trends for 2017 were (in no particular order of significance):
  1. Teachers, 
  2. Accountants, 
  3. Managers/directors, 
  4. Customer/sales representatives, 
  5. Officers, 
  6. Supervisors, 
  7. Technicians, 
  8. Clerks 
  9. Nurses
  10. Domestic Helpers

After looking at these figures we wanted to find out the industries that were the most popular for Jamaicans to be employed in, which could give us and you an idea of where the jobs are being filled. 
Below is a list of the top ten (10) industries which absorb most of Jamaica's skilled labour force:
Figures are from 2017 and collected from the Labour Market Information Portal of the HEART Trust/NTA:
  1. Wholesale and Retail Repair of Motor Vehicle and Equipment    262,900 workers
  2. Agriculture, Hunting And Forestry & Fishing    205,550 workers
  3. Hotel and Restaurant    120,550 workers
  4. Construction    119,300 workers
  5. Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities    89,225 workers
  6. Manufacturing    86,500 workers
  7. Transport, Storage and Communication    81,575 workers
  8. Other Community, social and Personal Service Activities    73,150 workers
  9. Education    74,325 workers
  10. Public Administration and Defence, Compulsory Social Security    63,600 workers

  1. Loop Jamaica. 'Top ten 'hot' jobs in Jamaica'. Retrieved September 15, 2018.
  2. HEART Trust/NTA. 'Labour Force Trends'. Labour Market Information Portal. Retrieved September 20, 2018.

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  1. I would like to seek a job in the customer sales representative.i have had work experience with island Jamaica LTD.jamaica Bananna board Portland,


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