Showing posts with label career news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career news. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Bakery Production Manager (Kingston, Jamaica) - Pastry Passions

 Are you passionate about life and ecstatic about pastry?

Do you consistently go the extra mile?

Are you bursting with positive energy and consider yourself a team player? 

If so, we invite you to join the Pastry Passions team and pursue your passion with us!

Bakery Production Manager

  1. Manage the daily requisitions received from the retail bakery outlets. 
  2. Bearer co-ordination/transportation logistics

Essential Functions:

  • Manage and schedule all production employees
  • Manage bakery requisitions and special order fulfillment
  • Oversee daily bakery production and sanitation records
  • Oversee facilities and equipment maintenance

  • Two (2) - three (2) years production manufacturing experience preferred, but not required
  • Solid organization skills
  • Troubleshooting skills
  • Computer skills
  • Knowledge of plant efficiencies and throughput
  • Excellent people skills
  • BSc in Operations Management preferred but not required
Interested applicants should submit their resumes via email to: no later than Sunday, December 18, 2022

Monday, 24 September 2018

Ten (10) Most Popular Jobs in Jamaica & Job Market Trends

Recently research was done which identified the top ten most popular jobs in Jamaica. The research was carried out by The Ministry of Labour and Social Security. It was published in April 2018 and was entitled, 'Labour Market Trends and Prospects for Employment Opportunities in Jamaica'. 

The Ministry also publishes a quarterly publication called "Hot Occupations" which lists the ten (10) most in demand jobs based on the vacancy ads published in the Classified and Careers sections of the Sunday newspapers. Data was also collected from the Electronic Labour Exchange, as well as the Work Permit and Private Employment Agency departments of the Ministry.

 "Since the Jamaican economy is primarily driven by the service sector, a large proportion of job vacancies are found in this area," the Ministry said.

The Ministry further revealed that, as of December 2017, seventy-seven (77) Private Employment Agencies (PEAs) were registered to assist Jamaicans in finding employment both locally and overseas. Data submitted by PEAs to the Ministry for the period January to December 2017 was also used to determine the types of positions that were in demand in Jamaica.

A total of 1,847 vacancies were submitted to the Ministry. Domestic helpers stood out significantly as the largest group, accounting for close to half of the vacancies advertised; 47 percent (869). Next in line were clerical workers at 13.8 percent or 255 vacancies followed by waiters with 253 or 13.7 per cent.

The document Labour Market Trends and Prospects for Employment Opportunities in Jamaica' was recently tabled in the parliament.

The top ten most popular/in demand jobs in Jamaica according to job market trends for 2017 were (in no particular order of significance):
  1. Teachers, 
  2. Accountants, 
  3. Managers/directors, 
  4. Customer/sales representatives, 
  5. Officers, 
  6. Supervisors, 
  7. Technicians, 
  8. Clerks 
  9. Nurses
  10. Domestic Helpers

After looking at these figures we wanted to find out the industries that were the most popular for Jamaicans to be employed in, which could give us and you an idea of where the jobs are being filled. 
Below is a list of the top ten (10) industries which absorb most of Jamaica's skilled labour force:
Figures are from 2017 and collected from the Labour Market Information Portal of the HEART Trust/NTA:
  1. Wholesale and Retail Repair of Motor Vehicle and Equipment    262,900 workers
  2. Agriculture, Hunting And Forestry & Fishing    205,550 workers
  3. Hotel and Restaurant    120,550 workers
  4. Construction    119,300 workers
  5. Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities    89,225 workers
  6. Manufacturing    86,500 workers
  7. Transport, Storage and Communication    81,575 workers
  8. Other Community, social and Personal Service Activities    73,150 workers
  9. Education    74,325 workers
  10. Public Administration and Defence, Compulsory Social Security    63,600 workers

  1. Loop Jamaica. 'Top ten 'hot' jobs in Jamaica'. Retrieved September 15, 2018.
  2. HEART Trust/NTA. 'Labour Force Trends'. Labour Market Information Portal. Retrieved September 20, 2018.

Looking for a job in Jamaica? Go here and subscribe:
Career Focus Jamaica.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

No Pensions! Elderly workforce to increase in coming years.

In a joint publication released by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), it was reported that in the coming years more and more elderly persons may find themselves staying longer in the workforce or being forced back into working due to lack of pension plans. In the study it was revealed that more than half of older persons in Latin America and the Caribbean do not receive a pension from a contributing system.

As it concerns the demographic data it stated that more than half of all men and women ages 60 and over interviewed for the report, do not receive income from a pension fund and stated this was the main reason they remained active in the labour force.

The report projects that the proportion of older folks ages 60 and above in the workplace will rise to 15% by 2050, an increase from 7.5% in 2015.

ECLAC states:
"This [increase] is due, above all, to the ageing of the population and, to a lesser degree, a moderate increase in older adults' labour participation."

Inspite of the recent expansion of contributory pension systems across eight of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, the data shows that an average 57.7% of persons between the ages of 65 and 69 years old, and 51.8% of persons 70 years and older, still do not receive a pension from a contributory system. Alarmingly, the figures are higher for women. The report noted that this forces many older persons to work. The report also noted that most of the elderly labour force work in the agricultural sector where the pension coverage is low.

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. 'Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean'. 2018. Retrieved  S1800397_en

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Wednesday, 28 March 2018

FCJ building projects facilitates more job creation! (Jamaica 2018)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness, in his presentation to parliament during the 2018/2019 budget debates revealed that the Factories Corporation of Jamaica (FCJ) was authorised by the government to implement three projects to develop 1.5 million square feet of space. Construction will take place over the next three to five years. The space will be dedicated 

to both commercial and industrial enterprises.

Among the engagements expected to be facilitated are agro-processing, business process 
outsourcing (BPO), manufacturing, distribution and warehousing. Prime Minster Andrew 
Holness, who made the announcement, said 30 per cent of the space will be dedicated to 
small and medium-sized enterprises.

This information was revealed during his budget speech which was titled
'Prosperity in Action.' Mr. Holness also noted that there was increased demand for 
commercial/production space which amounted to 470,000 square feet in 2017.

“At Garmex Free Zone, the largest commercial complex in the island, prospective investors 
demanded 241,000 square feet of production space. This high demand for space is also 
reflected in the increase in occupancy from 86 per cent to 93 per cent over the last 12 
months in FCJ facilities,” he indicated.

Holness pointed out that Garmex Free Zone in Kingston sits on 52.7 acres of land, 8.7 
acres of which is unused, greenfield “which is ripe for development”. He informed the 
House that the style of the existing buildings is “flat” construction, and will be redesigned 
to create multilevel structures of higher capacity.

The Prime Minister said that phase one of the project will entail the construction of 
360,000 square feet across 14 buildings of varying sizes. The FCJ, said Holness, has also 
received full approval from the Public Investment Management Secretariat, adding that 
“the procurement process has already started and these buildings are expected to be 
delivered by the second quarter of 2019”.

In relation to Morant Bay's revitalisation incorporating the establishment of a new urban 
centre at the former Goodyear tyre factory, the prime minister advised that FCJ has also 
received conditional approval from the management secretariat for this project 
and was awaiting Cabinet's go-ahead for the joint venture agreement.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

New Recruits for the JDF come November (2017)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says that, come November, an additional 250 young people will be recruited by the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) under the Jamaica National Service Corps (JNSC).

He said the new recruits will represent the second cohort drafted under the JNSC, which is the JDF's new intake mechanism, following an initial 234 young people who graduated on September 23 (2017) following 13 weeks of training.

The Prime Minister indicated that, unlike the first cohort, which had no females, “We certainly have women in the next intake.”

He was providing an update on the JNSC in a statement delivered during Tuesday's (September 26, 2017) sitting of the House of Representatives.

He further explained that the 13-week training exercise represented the first of five phases comprising a year-long programme for the initial recruits. Areas covered in the curriculum under phase one include discipline, military service knowledge, barracks room procedures, physical fitness and conditioning, foot and arms drills, basic field craft/adventure training, map reading, basic first aid, and basic signals.

The JNSC was established following an amendment to the Defence Act, which Mr. Holness tabled in Parliament in March (2017), and is a critical component of the JDF's employment and engagement strategy. It is integral to the Government's Housing, Opportunity, Production and Employment (HOPE) initiative.

Mr. Holness noted that the newly minted soldiers will embody the JNSC's underpinning principle to Learn, Earn, Give (back) and Save (LEGS). He said they would do so by applying the JDF's core values of commitment, courage, honour, integrity, loyalty, and discipline.

“In order to have a safe, secure and progressive nation, we must uphold these values and make them a way of life by spreading them throughout Jamaica. This augurs well for Jamaica's development and engagement of its young people, particularly our unattached youth,” he added.

The Jamaica National Service Corps will facilitate an intake of 1,000 individuals to the JDF annually, representing an increase of more than 700 individuals, for 12 months of training in military, vocational and broader life skills. These skills will equip them for either an extended career in the JDF or engagement in other professional areas of interest.


150 New District Constables Required!

National Security Minister, Mr. Robert Montague made the announcement on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 that the Ministry of National Security will be recruiting and training 150 new district constables. This is a move to boost community policing.

The Minister disclosed this news while in Parliament. He further indicated that the recruitment is to fill vacancies created as a result of 150 district constables participating in training to join the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

He also revealed that the recruitment exercise will target district constables who are 50 years old and over.

Meanwhile, the national security minister has stated that Jamaica is to get specialist trained crime-fighting dogs that are able to detect guns. The six dogs are being purchased from the United States.
