Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Assistant Registrar (University of the West Indies) - Kingston, Jamaica


The University of the West Indies (UWI) is a dynamic, international institution serving the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Its faculties offer a wide range of undergraduate, masters and doctoral programmes in Humanities and Education, Science and Technology, Engineering, Law, Medical Sciences and the Social Sciences. The University represents the oldest institution of its kind within the region and has been responsible for producing outstanding leaders who have aided in catapulting regional development.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals for the post of:

Assistant Registrars in the Office of the Campus Registrar support the Campus Registrar in various areas of work which may be best described
as academic and general – the recruitment, admission and registration of students, the conduct of examinations, the staging of major Campus events, human resource management and development, records management, secretariat services, relations with other bodies and with the public, and university publications. While having unique responsibilities in a particular area, an Assistant Registrar must be prepared to work across any area of the Office of the Campus Registrar (The Registry).

 The Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies and Research, is responsible for the management and supervision of the operations of Graduate Students Recruiting, Admissions, Enrollment Management, Thesis Examination, Graduate Scholarships; Graduate Students’ Assessment; and Award of Higher Degrees and Diplomas within the Office of the Campus Registrar. The incumbent is expected to handle multiple responsibilities, solve complex problems and ensure that administrative systems and processes meet service expectations and strategic goals for admissions and registrations. In addition, the incumbent acts on behalf of the Campus Registrar and has delegated signing authority on behalf of the Campus Registrar.

The Assistant Registrar – Graduate Studies and Research, in addition to other duties, will perform the following functions:
• Provide senior administrative level leadership for the UWI Mona Campus and its satellite sites in the areas of admissions and enrollment management;
• Maintain a synchronous relationship with the Director for Graduate Studies and Research to, inter alia, ensure that the University’s administrative processes and procedures assist students to complete their degrees within the time limits specified for their degrees/ diplomas;
• Act as the expert and resource on graduate students’ admission and
enrollment management regulations;
• Provide direction on the day to day operations for Graduate Admissions
and Enrollment Management, Graduate Students’ Assessment; and consults with other areas of the Office of the Campus Registrar to ensure coordination of services and effective use of resources;
• Manage the operational budget of the Office of Graduate Studies and Research.

Candidates who possess the following will be at a distinct advantage:
• Knowledge and awareness of the operations of a higher education institution;
• Knowledge of registrarial processes from recruitment to graduation;
• Knowledge of policies, procedures and practices related to student

Applicants are required to submit a resume giving full particulars of qualifications, experience, the names and addresses of three (3) referees
(one of whom should be from your present organization) and copies of academic qualifications.

These should be sent by electronic mail to  addressed. Applicants are advised to ask their referees to send reports under
confidential cover to the below address without waiting to be contacted.

The University thanks all applicants. However, due to the volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Essential Qualifications and Experience:

• A Master’s Degree in Higher Education Administration or a related ‘discipline;
• At least three (3) years’ managerial experience in administration in a higher education environment

Deadline:  October 11, 2019.

Contact Information
Name: Director, Human Resource Management Division
Address: The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.

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