Friday, 19 April 2024

Secretary (Kingston, Jamaica) - Jamaica Defence Force (Civilian)

Under the direct supervision of the Director, Jamaica Combined Cadet Force, the Secretary 2 (OPS/SS 2) is to provide support the operations of the Division by providing efficient and effective secretarial and administrative support services to the Head of Division and customers.

  • Polite and knowledgeable customer service provided
  • Documents produced and records and filing system maintained
  • Diary maintained and meetings and appointments arranged
  • Office equipment and supplies managed and maintained for the office of the Director
  • Maintains basic knowledge of the operations of the Director’s Office.
  • Advises callers with whom to communicate in the regarding specific issues.
  • Advises callers of the Director’s availability and take messages in his absence or unavailability.
  • Replies to routine queries arriving at the Director’s Office and directing other queries to the relevant official.
  • Interviews visitors and callers to determine the nature of their enquiry and refers persons
  • to the proper authority.
  • Deals with complaints and requests.
  • Issues routine information regarding technical, administrative and/or departmental matters.
  • Disseminates information to internal and external parties.
  • Composes letters and memoranda from general instructions.
  • Answers routine correspondence.
  • Establishes and maintains a system for the control and safe keeping of classified, secret and confidential documents and reports.
  • Types all necessary correspondence for dispatch.
  • Compose letters and memos based on general instructions.
  • Record all mail/ files received and dispatched.
  • Arrange for the printing, photocopying, binding, dispatch etc of documents produced.
  • Design and maintain an effective general filing system.
  • Reviews, proofreads, and edits documents prepared.
  • Maintain the diary of the Director.
  • Schedules appointments and briefs the Director on the matter before confirming meeting.
  • Arrange meetings and ensures that recordings of the proceedings are done.
  • Take minutes at meetings where directed to do so and circulating them as required.
  • Collates and coordinates the bi-weekly work schedules for Unit Head’s meeting
  • Makes local and international travel arrangements, prepares itineraries and maintains all travel records.
  • Office equipment and supplies managed and maintained.
  • Manage the Offices physical resources, such as printers, computers, phones etc. and arrange for the prompt repair or replacement of faulty equipment.
  • Order and secure stationery and other supplies for the Director’s Office.
  • Perform other related duties that may from time to time be assigned.
  • Level of customer satisfaction with service provided (internal and external)
  • Timeliness of production of documents
  • Number of instances of documents filed inaccurately
  • Percentage (%) of the time that files are produced upon request
  • Number of instances of stock-outs of office supplies
  • To provide information to customers and callers
  • To recommend repairs/replacement of machinery and equipment
  • To order stationery and supplies

  • CXC/GCE ‘O’ Level English Language or equivalent with proficiency in typewriting at a speed of 40-45 words per minute and shorthand at 8 -100 words per minute; successful completion of the prescribed Office Professional Training Course at the Management Institute for National Development (MIND).
  • Graduate of an accredited Secretarial School with proficiency in typewriting at speed of 40-45 words per minute and shorthand at a speed of 80- 100 word per minute, training in word processing applications and English Language at CXC or GCE O’ Level.
Interested persons should forward their applications and résumés via email ONLY to NO LATER THAN Tuesday, April 23, 2024 to:

Director, Human Resource Management & Administration,
Human Resource Management & Administration (Civilian) Section,
Jamaica Defence Force,
Up Park Camp,
Kingston 5.

We appreciate your interest in this advertisement; unfortunately, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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