Jamaica Jobs Focus is the newly revamped version of Career Focus Jamaica. This site posts job vacancies from Jamaican companies for Jamaican job seekers and employees.
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Thursday, 6 February 2025
GraceKennedy Internship Programme 2025!
Thursday, 21 March 2024
About Digicel
Enabling customers to live, work, play and flourish in a connected world, Digicel’s world class LTE and fibre networks deliver state-of-the-art mobile, home and business solutions.Serving 10 million consumer and business customers in 25 markets in the Caribbean and Central America, its investments of over US$5 billion and a commitment to its communities through its Digicel Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago have contributed to positive outcomes for over 2 million people to date.
With the Better Connected ethos at the heart of everything, its 5,000 employees worldwide work together to make that a powerful reality for customers, communities and countries day in, day out.
Digicel also delivers news, sports broadcasting, digital media and financial services in several of its markets.
Visit www.digicelgroup.com for more.
Role: Digicel Internship Programme
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Internship - Systematic Land Registration Programme (Jamaica) - National Land Agency
National Land Agency
Internship-Systematic Land Registration Programme
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a One (1) year internship within the Adjudication Services Division, National Land Agency.
The successful candidate will report to the legal officer 3
Key Responsibilities Include:
- Interviews landowners in order to determine ownership rights in accordance with The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act.
- Interviews neighbours and community members in order to get confirmation that the landowner has been in open, undisturbed and undisputed possession of land for upwards of Twelve (12) years.
- Inputs data in the Systematic Adjudication System (SAS) in order to facilitate generation of Systematic Adjudications, Supporting Declarations, Adjudication Records etc.
- Thoroughly vets data on the SAS to ensure completeness and accuracy of data.
- Execute searches (Certificates of Title/Instruments/Documents etc.) on Eland Jamaica, Land Valuation System (LVS) and Document Scanning System.
- Assists in mounting the display of Adjudication Records.
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Basic knowledge of Conveyancing and Laws relating to land registration.
- Competence in the use of word processing, spreadsheet and other relevant software.
- Bachelor's degree in law, Land Surveying/GIS, Geography, Urban Planning; or
- Associate Degree or Paralegal Diploma
- Extensive fieldwork in rural parishes (Manchester and Saint Elizabeth)
- Extensive walking and travelling throughout communities within rural parishes.
Saturday, 17 June 2023
We're hiring!
Role: Engineering Internship Programme 2023/2024
The mandate of the Engineering Internship Programme is to provide our interns with practical learning and professional development opportunities, while having a first hand experience of the Engineering functions of the Jamaica Public Service Company. This is a one-year full-time internship programme from September 2023 to August 2024.
Interns will be paid during the period of engagement.
- Must be an Electrical Engineering Major
- Must be in the final year of the programme - graduate 2023
- Outstanding academic performance - minimum 3.0
- GPA should clearly be stated on the resume
- Title of Final Year Project must be stated on the resume, with a brief summary
- Interns will be rotated across the Engineering departments in the business
- Success completion of the programme may result in placement in the organization if suitable vacancies exist
- Applicants should have attended any of the major universities in Jamaica
- Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Monday, 20 January 2020
"Will work for free!" Why an internship is a good idea.
If you are a recent graduate of high school or a college, or maybe a final year student at university about to graduate and enter the working world, you have one thing in common: your wish to find employment quickly. For many however, there is a hindrance to quickly securing employment as planned, and that is lack of work experience.
We all know the story, the enthusiastic, newly graduated job seeker goes out there to find employment but gets his/her enthusiasm crushed because every where they apply they are told they lack experience.
If you're reading this article and you find yourself in that particular situation, read on, this blog might change your outlook and your life!
So you're looking for work and applying to almost every job advert you see, but it's the same thing "candidate must have 1 to 3 years (or even more years) experience..." What can you do? How can you put the odds in your favor? Become an Intern, volunteer and/or join various clubs and societies and network! Today we'll be focusing on Internships.
Employers want to see that new graduates have some form of experience and they most certainly accept participation in a well-structured internship as relevant experience for entry level positions. An internship is one way of overcoming the lack of experience dilemma. The benefits include:
- Gaining general work related and discipline specific knowledge
- Developing skills and competencies
- Building your confidence in relation to job performance
- Acquiring a frame of reference for evidence of your abilities
- Increasing the possibility of landing a job.
College students, if your academic programme requires or offers the option of taking an internship for academic credit please make full use of the opportunity! Alternatively, you may choose to take a not for credit internship and even go as far as getting involved with a programme that does not offer a stipend. Remember, the ultimate aim is to gain vital experience that will make you more marketable.
Here are a few strategies you should use to help you land a life-changing internship position:
1. Make a list of the organizations, large and small, at which you would like to intern.
2. Identify the specific knowledge and skills that you have to offer the organizations.
3. Determine the benefits you would like to derive from the internship experience.
4. Do your research. Find out which of these organizations do offer internship programmes. Don’t limit yourself to those companies with existing programmes. If you make a good case, your offer of service or request for accommodation could be considered by even those companies without established internship programmes.
5. Prepare a professionally appealing cover letter and résumé making sure to tailor them to match the needs and culture of each of your target organizations.
6. Begin making plans for your accommodation away from home or your current school location.
7. Engage your networking links to get doors of opportunity opened, your professors, mentors, as well as family and friends are good persons to begin with.
The search for the right internship can be just as tedious as finding an actual job, but don’t give up. You'll reap the rewards later. Use similar strategies as you would for a job search and be sure to begin your search early.
TIP: The best time to seek out an internship is during the summer months.
Happy hunting!
Looking for a job? Go here
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Ten 'Success-filled' habits Job Seekers MUST have for 2020 and beyond!
The reality is that we live in an extremely competitive job market and while we wish there were more jobs, the truth is that employment prospects are few compared to the number of qualified persons hunting for them. So now I'm sure you're asking me...what do you do? There must be something that can be done to give you the edge you need to stand out at an interview (or even get an interview in the first place). This blog post will seek to help you chart a more successful course for the new year! So read on...
The job market is highly competitive, which can be quite intimidating for job seekers especially when they didn’t graduate at the top of their class. However, according to former CEO of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica, Dennis Chung, “the most competent or brightest do not necessarily make the most productive employees”.
In fact, he claims that employers may often prefer someone who has a positive attitude: someone willing to learn, as opposed to someone who is a ‘know it all’.
Believe me, an attitude open to learning new skills and develop abilities will always make job seekers viable in the job market. With that said here are 10 habits job seekers should have to be successful in landing an interview or earn a place in the company of their choice.
Young graduates may think that after finishing university getting a job would be automatic, the sad truth is... it nuh guh suh!1. Match your qualifications to the job you seek
First of all, you have to recognise that your qualifications must match the job that you are seeking. You may realise that the market requires more than what you have and that you may need to put in additional work to be on par with what the job market demands.
It doesn’t have to be several years of service but your loyalty to an institution is important. If you seem ‘nomadic’ in your job pattern this can be a turn-off since companies are looking to train and invest in people for the long term.
6. Learn to sell yourself
If a job is offered below your pay grade or what you may believe to be menial you may want to consider accepting it. These ‘menial jobs’ could present a gateway to a very big opportunity but employers are keen on testing whom they take onto their teams. Often, employers offer the job and note that there will be a possibility for promotion, so hang on to the opportunity.
9. Do not focus on academics alone
Employers also search for persons with soft skills. So even before you become job-seekers think about extracurricular activities. Employers find that these employees usually have a wealth of knowledge from their involvement in different groups to share.
10. Keep Up Appearances
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Seprod Approves Annual Internship Programme.
The graduates will gain practical work experience in their areas of studies giving them a launching pad to jump-start their career aspirations, according to a recent news release.
The Group welcomed its first batch of interns on June 26. The group of 25 includes graduates from the College of Agriculture, Science & Education, University of the West Indies, University of Technology and the Caribbean Maritime Institute. The range of disciplines includes electrical and mechanical engineering, food safety, food service management, culinary arts, agriculture and agro-processing, logistics and information technology.
The interns will be assigned projects and be exposed to programmes to develop their leadership skills.
Richard Pandohie, Seprod's CEO revealed that, “Students from both local and international institutions have been serving short-term internships at Seprod for many years, but the decision to extend the programme to one-year placements, in which each participant will have the opportunity to complete rotations throughout various companies in the Group, is a direct response to the increasing difficulties that young graduates are facing in finding jobs, a situation that sees many of them resorting to migration to find opportunities.”
In welcoming the interns, he expressed the company's delight in supporting their career growth and aspirations and in providing them with an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and hone their leadership skills.
He urged the participants to seek to make a difference wherever they are placed; to not accept the status quo but to be positively disruptive and to be part of the force driving Seprod and Jamaica to a greater level of performance.
References: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/business-observer/seprod-welcomes-25-graduates-for-internship-programme_103214